MUNICIPAL REGULATION, SMART CITIES AND NUDGES:The experience of the city ​​of Rio de Janeiro



Abstract: This article intends to analyze the relevance of the use of nudges (regulation by pushing) in Urban Law, with emphasis on the analysis of the experience of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The main objective is to suggest the use of urban incentives in the regulation of cities, with the creation of state incentives for the behavior of economic agents that contribute to improving the quality of life in cities, making them “smart cities”. The essay uses the theoretical perspective of behavioral economics, with an emphasis on nudges, especially based on the work developed by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. The work follows the line of pluralism of methods and privileges the comparatist and the historical, seeking to analyze how the various legal systems and how the doctrine has been looking for alternatives to the analyzed issue. The research system must also follow the model of the hypothetical-deductive method, based on the reading of basic texts that serve as a guideline for the support and defense of our central argument. Likewise, the hypothetical inductive method will be used from the study of the particularities found in the city of Rio de Janeiro to propose general improvements in urban regulations.


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Author Biography


    Visiting Scholar pela Fordham University School of Law (Nova Iorque). Pós-Doutor pela UERJ. Doutor em Direito pela UVA-RJ. Mestre em Teoria do Estado e Direito Constitucional pela PUC-RJ. Especialista em Direito do Estado pela UERJ. Professor Titular de Direito Administrativo do IBMEC. Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito – Mestrado e Doutorado do PPGD/UVA. Professor do Mestrado Acadêmico em Direito da Universidade Cândido Mendes. Professor de Direito Administrativo da EMERJ. Ex-Defensor Público Federal. Procurador do Município do Rio de Janeiro. Sócio-fundador do escritório Rafael Oliveira Advogados Associados. Árbitro e consultor jurídico. 


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How to Cite

RAFAEL CARVALHO REZENDE OLIVEIRA. (2023). MUNICIPAL REGULATION, SMART CITIES AND NUDGES:The experience of the city ​​of Rio de Janeiro. Rio De Janeiro Law Journal , 3(2), 6-33.

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